I am a Visual Artist

Inspiration is everywhere. We just have to look.

My mother was an artist, so art has always a part of my life. She first taught me to draw and paint. As I got older, I took oil painting and sculpture lessons at our local art league. I continued my formal education at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida, as well as studying photography at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

I moved to Washington, DC, and continued to paint at the Torpedo Factory Art Center, along with being a partner at a design studio providing marketing, design, and photography, specializing in financial advertising.

I am currently based in the Tampa Bay area and painting full-time. I grew up in Florida with white sand, blue skies, and pink clouds, so my palette consists mostly of primary colors.

My ideas begin with familiar scenes we see every day, whether it’s in landscape, nature, or people and then I like to add something unexpected.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a commission, please complete the contact form. I hope you enjoy my paintings as much as I enjoy creating them.